Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Okra Chips

Okra Chips is a crunchy side dish for rice. I always long for a crunchy side dish in my food and  iam borred of appalam so tried to make a easy alternative its easy and tasty...

Serving for 4


Okra sliced -- 1 bowl ful( it shrinks be so careful in amount)
Chili powder  --  1/2 tsp
Salt -- 1/2 tsp
Oil   -- required amount to deep fry


  • Wash okra( wash before slicing)  and dry it in the paper towel to take out the moisture.
  • Deep fry  for a cripsy okra.
  • Sprinkle  asafoetida salt and red chili on top and toss to mix.
  • Serve crispy..

1 comment:

  1. This would be a great alternative to potatoe fry... Thanks for posting the recipe.
